Michael Bamford
I have been working with wood since 1987. I started woodturning in 1988 when I needed some turned legs for a hall table I was making. The adult education woodwork class I was attending had a lathe, so with a bit of help from the tutor I made the legs.
Two years later as I was refinishing the table I realised I could do better, so I took some evening woodturning classes at Newlands College. The tutor John Spittal invited me to join the Wellington Guild of Woodturners and I bought my own lathe.
After a move to Wanganui in 1995, I joined the Wanganui Turners and Woodcraft Group. While our children were growing up, woodturning and hobbies were put on the back burner.
While at the Kawerau Wood Skills Festival in 2010, I ran into Des Kendrick who asked me to come back to the club. I have been an active member since then, serving two stints on the committee and one as treasurer.